These abstractions may need one or more of the following extensions: hexloader, libdir, zexy, flatspace, rtc, cyclone, creb, ggee. Pd-extended comes with all these. This is only a selection of abstractions from the Github repository, mostly the ones that I use at live performances. These abstractions mostly contain GUI elements with a large size, as I use them with a touchscreen monitor lying before me, as I do not want to be a typical laptop musician hiding behind the monitor and clicking with a mouse.
Records an audio loop and plays back the loop with variable start / end point of the loop and playback speed. Several instances can be synced, syncing is possible with [note-vel-looper] as well. Samples can be loaded from disk as well.
Similar to [sample-looper~], but records and plays back a loop of midi note / velocity messages, variable start / end points of the loop and playback speed, syncing.
Filters midi messages only for note on / off messages. Basically an abstraction from doc/ in Pd itself.
Toggle + sel 0/1: bang this abstraction and it will output a bang alternating at the left and right outlet.
Similar to [switch-bang], but outputs 0 left, 1 right and 1 left, 0 right alternating.
Two [switch-bang]s combined, outputs messages rec start, rec stop, play start and play stop for [sample-looper~] and [note-vel-looper].
Equal power panning.
Routes messages from up to 6 inlets to up to 6 outlets according to switches with values =1. Lines correspond to outlets, rows to inlets, e.g. the switch in line 3, row 5 routes the messages from inlet 5 to outlet 3.
[sample-looper~], [rec-play-switch] and volume control combined one abstraction.
[note-vel-looper] and [rec-play-switch] combined in one abstraction.